Mercedes-Benz Augmented Reality Apps – Enhancing the Brochure

Mercedes-Benz has come up with a fascinating way for those with an iPad, iPhone, Androidtablet PC or smartphone, to enhance the experience of looking at the humble car brochure.

While the brochure and automotive advertising have come a long way, they often fail to seamlessly connect the brochure reader to the manufacturers online presence. A website address printed on the back no long cuts it and for the coming generations, nor does the brochure.

This is a great step in bridging the brochure to the digital world.

About millionsofmyles

Lover of @Jennaviere & disruptive business. Automotive Industry Futurist. Passionate about Social Media & Customer Service. Vancouver Canucks Fan.

Posted on January 4, 2012, in Automotive, Digital Life, eCommerce and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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