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New Facebook App: For your car

Mercedes-Benz - Telematics Evolution Source:

Our friends over at Chit Chat Media sent us a great bit of news to come out of CES.

Yesterday Mercedes-Benz announced the launch of mbrace2.

Featuring a cloud based network that allows users to make updates as they become available, Mbrace2 will feature apps such as Google, Twitter, Yelp and Facebook.

The apps will allow the car to publish pre-defined user information, such as what location that car is en-route to and also display which friends are nearby etc.

Mercedes-Benz states that driver will not be able to enter any text while on the move.

Mercedes-Benz has also refined their mbrace smartphone app and now includes such features as Geo Fence Alerts, which will alert the owner if the car ventures outside of a set geographic perimeter.

As good as in car web applications are, automotive manufacturers will have to tread extremely carefully with privacy, but most of all, safety.

The technology creation  will be easy compared to getting the car to telematics to human integration right.

In the end changing the way the driver interacts with the car and their world will the game changer for the automotive industry, not the brand of the apps.