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How to make better YouTube videos – Introducing the YouTube Playbook

Image representing YouTube as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

YouTube. It’s more than Charlie biting fingers, Paul Potts and a sneezing baby Panda.

Did you know:

  • YouTube has 3+ billion views a day
  • 70% of YouTube’s traffic comes from outside the USA
  • YouTube’s prime demographic: 18-54 years old
  • Over 8 years of content is uploaded to YouTube every day

Those are just some of YouTube’s amazing facts.

Considering the above, it is essential to your digital and SEO strategy to create relevant, engaging, quality content.

Ask yourself how YouTube can assist your business and customers. Take for example this video of mine.

It is an instructional video on how to pair a iPhone4 to a Mercedes-Benz W245 B-Class COMAND system. It’s been up a few months and nearly 7000 views thus far. That’s not a lot of views for YouTube but thousands are finding it of value. I have gotten a lot of questions on iPhone pairing to Mercedes-Benz cars from it as well.

So how do you produce content for YouTube that people want to watch?

I saw this being tweeted out by YouTube partner Jonathan Paula (@JonnyPaula) of Jon’s World Fame the other day.

@JonnyPaula's YouTube Playbook tweet.

I rushed over to the site and discovered the YouTube playbook is the perfect guide on how to make better content. You can see from the image below the sort of detail the playbook goes into.

A brief view of the YouTube Playbook

I have found the playbook of great use and think you will too. Enjoy.

Click here to download the YouTube playbook.

What are some of your tips for better YouTube videos?