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Honey I’m home! – Using Facebook Places and Foursquare at home.

I am here, there and everywhere.

When I first started Foursquare many years ago, I was checking in everywhere.

I was possibly Foursquare’s best user for the bayside and south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. I was adding everything, from the service station I filled up at to the cafe I grabbed a coffee at. What the hey, I’ll throw every public place in I can.

One day I had a seemingly brilliant idea to add my own home to Foursquare. Another check in, brilliant!

My digital diva tech savvy sister called shortly after and referred me to this link: Please Rob Me

It highlights the following issue with Foursquare, Facebook Places and others such as GoWalla: When you add your house, you are most likely adding its exact location. When you check in, you broadcast out to the web you are home, we you check in elsewhere, you broadcast out to the web that you are NOT home. Hey everyone, I’m not home, please rob me.

Yes, it’s a bit dramatic, it is entirely possible.

There are two solutions to retaining some “check in” privacy:

  1. Move your “home” to a different location. I moved mine to an intersection up the road.  (I’ve only been able to do this on Foursquare. Let me know how for Facebook Places)
  2. Don’t add your home at all.
  3. Check your Facebook Privacy settings. With Facebook Places, others can check you into a location without them asking your permission. This is under “Friends can check me into places”. This feature can be disabled.
  4. Facebook places aggregates those who have checked-in into a “People here now” for that location. This feature can be disabled.

There also seems to be a misconception out there, judging by comments on other blogs about Foursquare and Facebook Places that these apps track your every move. This is not the case. In the case of Foursquare, it will only check you into places  you tell the app to check you in to.

Always be mindful of what location-based data you are broadcasting out there.

In the end always remember one thing: If you want information kept private, don’t put it on the Internet.

The Automotive iCloud


The Automotive Industry must take advantage of 'cloud' based systems.

Today Apple announced at the WWDC a myriad of products, one of those being iCloud for iOS5.

Some of us have heard of cloud computing and have been using it for a while. I am Dropbox user and also find Basecamp a great project management platform. Sure as hell saves the multiple version of the truth syndrome that can occur.

I believe Apple has today bought ‘the cloud’ into the mainstream. Apple tends to make creations that have been floating around for a while, cool, mainstream and no longer ‘geeky’.  I believe they construct that bridge between gadget confidants to those who are not so confident with gadgets.

By pushing ‘the cloud’ into the big time, Apple increases individuals/companies/industries awareness to the potential of this technology.

 So let have a ‘Brainstorm Blog’ on how the Automotive Industry could utilise the cloud.

I’ll start with some ‘technical stuff’ that you may find interesting and finish with some ‘fun stuff’ that will make being in a car more enjoyable.

The Technical Stuff

– A cars diagnostic data could stream to a manufacturers cloud constantly. By diagnostic data I mean anything a cars multitude of computers sense and read that can lead to recording of faults that highlight part failures, problems etc. This data could be used by the manufacturer to book the vehicle in for service without the driver having to explain to the dealership anything that may be wrong as well as assist the manufacturer in making a more reliable product.

– Bye bye service log book. All servicing work is synced with the cloud and with the car.

– All updates required for vehicle softwares downloaded when driving and installed when safe to do so. e.g a EMU (engine management unit) would install during the cars downtime i.e while parked at night.

– Softwares updates in the future will present new software based features in a car e.g a redesigned air conditioning dial on the vehicles touch screen. A brief update and how to video to educate the driver on these features could be synced with the cloud and played when it is appropriate for the driver to do so.

– A ‘What’s New ‘system in the cars entertainment OS that shows the latest offers from the manufacturer. This shouldn’t be blasted rudely onto the screen. We have learnt from social media and other advertising practices that people prefer to access advertising when they want to find it during research etc.

– A minefield in terms of privacy law, but a possibility all the same. Car check in’s. Would you like to tell friends of your car that you have now checked into Shell petrol station? What cars are filling up where and what cars are using what product?  

– Could these check-in’s be used as an expense claim method?

– Check-in to fuel station, car connects with petrol/gas bowser via web connection or other method. Driver fills up, car pays via cloud stored account information. On your way.

– Pay for parking via the cloud

– Car Criminal record. Speed cameras, police etc. able to access owner data via the cloud. Once again a minefield but a possibility.

– Tolls paid via both, eTag or cloud?

Fun Stuff

– Why have a phone to use in the car? Why not have all your contacts and numbers stored in the cloud to use via the cars telephone system thus leave a ‘smartphone’ be a mobile device that also makes phone calls?

– Connect your iPod etc to a car via a cable? Why not sync all your music with your car via the cloud? Sync data with individual passengers. e.g player unit in the back seat can sync with your daughters library.

– As Jennaviere commented in this earlier post. Car has a McDonalds app. Pre-order and send to McDonalds you are going to go to, order is on time and paid for via car at drive through, or even without the order process the car could simply pay.

– Internet radio. Getting very popular. Possible via great mobile connections to stations and station preferences stored in the cloud.

– An app that is a game for the best economic and green driving style. App analyses car data such as fuel consumption etc. Scores uploaded to cloud, leaderboard per car model displayed. Prizes from Green companies etc.

– The mobile office. Colleague finishes Powerpoint Presentation on the way to a client. Presentation synced with car. Sales rep pulls over to discuss and fine tune presentation with colleague. Colleague works on presentation. Presentation ready and perfect for presenting to client.

These are just some that I was able to brainstorm during my lunch hour. What things do you think could be done when cars are cloud connected?

Let us know below. We’d love to hear them.

The Future of Automotive has started.

One of the most exciting things happening to the car is it is starting to adapt to our lives better than it will have ever before.

I believe that if the car is to survive, it will have to be more than just a car.

The changes that are occurring are akin to the smartphone became to the phone. Who would have ever thought in the year 2000 an iPhone  would be possible?

Cars are going to effectively become a smartphone for us and they will  connect via what is known as Web 3.0 or The Semantic web, which I will blog about at a later time.

Imagine the apps? Whilst the software should never be connected to any of the drive and control systems, the car could have its own entertainment and communications system that you could download useful applications for via wireless mesh/mobile communications. Go to the dealership for a software update or will the manufacturer push it out to be installed at next start?

Below are some examples and from what I can find,  systems that are in cars today.

2012 Audi A7 with the future of Satellite Navigation vis Google maps. Superbly executed.

Go to 2:05 for the in-car tech.

and the Ford MyFord and MyFord connect. Touch based, a great start with fantastic potential. Ford’s vision with this system ought to be applauded.

What do you think the car will be? What would you like it to be to you?